Sunday, February 28, 2016

Colored using activated charcoal, indigo, and iron oxide powders.
I took the plunge and I made a "pretty" bar of soap! My goal with Crescent Mountain Soaps is to have handcrafted soap with natural ingredients. I do not use hardeners or preservatives in my soaps. So adding colors was not something that I started out doing and so I made natural looking soaps! Well, after watching some of my fellow soaping friends produce really pretty soaps, I decided that I wanted to try!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

It's been a while! Soapmaking Tip!

Well... it has been a while since I last wrote a blog post. I guess life got in the way! Things have been crazy busy at Crescent Mountain Soaps!! I have a tip to share with you today.

I needed a spray bottle with alcohol. Several times I have filled the spray bottle with the alcohol and have tried really hard to not spill the alcohol as I fill the bottle. Well, I don't know if it is me or the alcohol, but I ALWAYS end up spilling and wasting alcohol every time I try!